Video Integrations
How to embed a video.
You can add a Youtube video to your website by logging in and navigating to the page you'd like to add the video to. (Example: then select "Pages" and the page you'd like to edit, click "Edit With Elementor.") -- Once your in the editing interface, you can choose "Video" from the basic menu, drag the icon onto your page, then enter the URL in the options menu.
You can add a Vimeo video to your website by logging in and navigating to the page you'd like to add the video to. (Example: then select "Pages" and the page you'd like to edit, click "Edit With Elementor.") -- Once your in the editing interface, you can choose "Video" from the basic menu, drag the icon onto your page, then enter the URL in the options menu.
You can add a Facebook video to your website by logging in and navigating to the page you'd like to add the video to. (Example: then select "Pages" and the page you'd like to edit, click "Edit With Elementor.") -- Once your in the editing interface, you can search for "Facebook Embed" from the menu, drag the icon onto your page, then enter the URL in the options menu.
Payment Integrations
How to integrate a payment processor into your website.
Assuming that you already have a Paypal account (you can sign up for free) -- login to your website. (Example:, then navigate to the page you'd like to add a button to, choose "Edit With Elementor.") Use the search widget function to search for the "Paypal Button" and drag the button onto the page, then use the menu on the left to enter the details of your Paypal account, the type of payment, and to modify the button.
There are a couple of ways to do this, the easiest way is to add a link to your custom giving page either to your website, or to the menu. You can add a link to the menu by navigating to Appearance>Menus, then selecting the menu you'd like to add the link to, and adding a "Custom Link" to your giving page. If you need help, you can always contact us to help you set that up!
The best way to add easyTithe to your website is to generate a form from your easyTithe account and then embed the form on a giving page on your website. You can also forward users to an external giving page. Once you've generated a form, copy the embed code and paste it into the HTML widget that you've added to your giving page. You can find the HTML widget by using the search function while editing the page you'd like to add the giving option to.
The easiest way to add PushPay to your site is to add a link to your custom giving page, either to your website, or to the menu. You can add a link to the menu by navigating to Appearance>Menus, then selecting the menu you'd like to add the link to, and adding a "Custom Link" to your giving page. If you need help, you can always contact us to help you set that up!
There are a couple of ways to do this, the easiest way is to add a link to your custom giving page either to your website, or to the menu. You can add a link to the menu by navigating to Appearance>Menus, then selecting the menu you'd like to add the link to, and adding a "Custom Link" to your giving page. If you need help, you can always contact us to help you set that up! Alternatively, RebelGive offers a more integrated way to add giving to your website with their "Giving Flows." First you'll need to add your domain to your Giving Flow in your RebelGive account, then you'll need to copy the code that is generated. This might be something that you need our help with, but we're always happy to help!
You can easily embed Subsplash giving on your website by logging into your site and navigating to the page you'd like to add Subsplash to. (Example:, click "Pages" choose the page and click "Edit With Elementor.") Once you are on the page you'd like to edit, just search for the HTML widget on the elements tab, drag the widget onto your page and paste the code from Subsplash. As always, let us know if you need any help with this!